Inspire • Nurture • Transform

Bringing Music To Life

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Bringing Music To Life

You Make A Difference

Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart.
― Pablo Casals

At Orchestra Novo, we're passionate about bringing music to life in order to INSPIRE, NURTURE, and TRANSFORM our world. This is only possible with the help of friends like you. Together we make possible programs like...

• Community Novo's Co-Creation Projects: celebrating art and music as inspiration and expression for diverse groups in our community like at-risk youth, adults with Alzheimer's and dementia, youth with developmental disabilities and those on the Autism Spectrum...

• No-Cost School Matinees: bringing the joy and excitement of a live concert to San Luis Obispo County's schoolchildren blending science, history, and some of the greatest orchestral music ever composed...

• Summer String Music Academy, where junior high and high school musicians from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds come together to learn and create music in a weeklong, immersive, overnight camp...

• Community Concerts: Orchestra Novo understands how vital it is to bring people together at concerts that are economically accessible to a wide range of our families, friends, and neighbors.

Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without
― Confucius

Music has always been and continues to be an essential element of our nature. And you are a vital part of our team in making all of these creative, vibrant musical experiences happen.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Orchestra Novo's mission and vision. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Artistic Director, Michael Nowak